Gloucestershire Hearing Show : Feedback

Following the success of the recent Gloucestershire Hearing Show, put on in conjunction with Imperial Hearing, we have contacted all attendees to get some feedback on the event. We have had some great reviews from visitors who thoroughly enjoyed the event. It was inspiring to talk to so many of you and hear your stories. We are pleased to have created a platform for those with hearing related questions to come and speak to the experts on the very latest innovations and devices that can improve hearing both now and in the future. Rachel Barnes, Gloucestershire Hearing Show Visitor said of the event: ‘I found the show really good and went along as wanted to look at the latest technology. Would definitely recommend to anyone who is in a similar situation to me to go along to one of the Hearing Shows, I’m 24 and have never met anyone of the same age who wears aids so was great to see what is out there and available. I had always worn NHS aids, however have now changed to Oticon and it has turned my world around, made life so much easier and great how they work with my mobile phone and Bluetooth!’ For information on up and coming events, follow us on all social media channels and visit